
Felix Yan

Score (Rank)
1,073,304 #39,514
Has contributed to
Open-Source Project Rank Score
OpenBLAS 50 67,326
PostgREST 14 50,660
Pandoc 39 41,174
Stack 45 38,064
FreeCodeCamp 410 29,464
mitmproxy 59 29,100
GHC 275 28,016
Certbot 39 26,152
Nixpkgs 4,748 26,096
GStreamer 516 25,312
PipeWire 126 24,017
Apache Arrow 507 22,452
Ruff 213 21,330
WebAssembly 164 21,042
Cabal 157 20,930
Trivy 128 20,778
CIRCT 80 20,424
OpenRCT2 214 20,268
OSTree 84 17,334
Just 32 16,818
Terragrunt 61 15,060
Yesod 56 14,576
FreeOrion 68 14,322
Hakyll 16 13,352
Meilisearch 131 12,808
Vercel 140 12,704
Nerd Fonts 25 11,880
npm 129 11,556
Ruby 549 11,262
Node 866 11,202
OpenSearch 496 10,860
Staticcheck 9 10,782
AFFiNE 132 10,050
PPSSPP 244 10,044
Flowblade 17 9,546
SmartDNS 5 9,506
sh 12 8,934
Botan 83 8,325
headscale 104 7,908
MetalLB 94 7,866
Odoo 1,900 7,596
Prometheus 1,551 7,500
OpenWrt 1,083 7,488
CMake 884 7,338
Zulip 756 7,228
Boto 237 7,218
Shadowsocks 125 6,945
Netdata 285 6,654
OWASP ZAP 246 6,442
setuptools 413 6,318
Sinatra 106 5,742
Matomo 182 5,434
Ammonite 37 4,734
youtube-dl 262 4,438
Kivy 277 4,252
Haddock 62 4,190
Rust 5,004 3,805
Python 1,947 3,791
systemd 1,528 3,786
OpenStack 2,473 3,773
React Native 1,856 3,770
Julia 1,226 3,742
Homebrew 12,645 3,725
GTK 1,509 3,698
RISC-V 756 3,645
Deno 580 3,632
usql 18 3,609
Matplotlib 1,137 3,603
GLib 1,004 3,581
Angular 1,102 3,576
SymPy 1,058 3,571
Gimp 580 3,527
Ethereum 675 3,523
Astropy 455 3,473
pip 877 3,455
Ansible 2,755 3,433
Django 1,586 3,428
pytest 625 3,416
Requests 236 3,374
Sphinx 556 3,323
Kate 406 3,256
Stackage 511 3,253
Kitty 219 3,239
Krita 438 3,181
Cloud Native Landscape 600 3,175
uni-app 138 3,069
Chisel 113 2,998
Gymnasium 280 2,971
Babel 481 2,933
Celery 662 2,824
Packer 742 2,823
KDE Connect 144 2,701
aiohttp 395 2,671
GeoTools 273 2,662
pyenv 230 2,658
Distribution 308 2,603
Katran 169 2,557
Magit 215 2,540
libuv 290 2,518
Habitica 482 2,515
Evince 535 2,507
Electrum 222 2,494
ruby-build 111 2,316
Pwntools 161 2,174
Apache Libcloud 300 2,118
GNU Automake 88 2,108
Tornado 195 2,099
CodiMD 59 2,030
Tesseract OCR 132 2,022
Cinder 733 1,979
Fail2Ban 158 1,957
DevDocs 140 1,911
Marshmallow 161 1,902
Crab 4,202 1,787
Piranha 27 1,690
Cobra 151 1,668
30 seconds of code 218 1,580
Dash (digital currency) 293 1,468
HLint 96 1,418
MonkeyType 23 1,212
YAPF 81 942
Async 107 776
Fastjson 103 494
CNTK 154 429

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