
RedHat (IBM)

We make open source technologies for the enterprise

Open Core Products
Name Projects
RedHat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) Linux, Podman
Red Hat Directory Server 389 Directory Server
JBoss A-MQ Apache ActiveMQ
Red Hat JBoss Fuse Apache Camel, Apache CFX
Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform Ansible
Red Hat OpenShift Dedicated OpenShift
Red Hat OpenShift Kubernetes Engine Kubernetes
Open Source Contributors
Project Contributions
Percentage of commits past X days
Project Contributions 30 90 All
OSTree 33% 52% 70%
PipeWire 55% 41% 63%
Apache Maven 54% 55% 3%
Mock 14% 56% 45%
MetalLB 32% 63% 30%
Quarkus 43% 44% 47%
Oauth2 Proxy 50% 46% 35%
Podman 34% 31% 59%
Sippy 28% 27% 70%
systemd 32% 34% 34%