
Sam James

Score (Rank)
1,477,954,488 #2
Works for
Has contributed to
Open-Source Project Rank Score
Gentoo Linux 1 1,464,965,670
KDE 4 9,625,934
Meson 22 670,255
GNU Compiler Collection 287 458,832
GNU GDB 150 433,953
LLVM 983 399,945
OpenSSL 85 140,010
systemd 157 113,580
Linux 6,024 91,392
OSS-Fuzz 189 58,320
Python 420 56,865
ImageMagick 10 56,553
JDK 617 45,312
X Server 129 40,755
Wireshark 337 37,370
FLAC 8 36,157
PipeWire 108 30,879
John the Ripper 32 27,084
GnuTLS 38 27,072
FreeBSD 1,609 22,842
HHVM 939 22,776
OpenSSH 29 22,536
Homebrew 4,463 22,350
FFmpeg 560 22,074
LibreOffice 933 21,924
Emacs 525 21,840
OpenCV 370 21,474
cURL 170 21,336
Open ZFS 188 19,842
GraalJS 617 19,830
Inkscape 239 19,308
OpenLDAP 40 18,702
fzf 40 17,184
Apache Tomcat 64 16,728
Okular 119 16,332
libevent 52 13,362
Cairo 134 12,810
Ruby 549 11,262
V8 608 11,247
Ceph 856 11,244
Node 866 11,202
Chromium 7,444 11,190
NumPy 639 11,112
Pandas 952 11,103
WebKit 1,354 11,061
OSGeo 380 11,046
Folly 610 10,932
Vim 348 10,854
MuseScore 224 10,695
Kodi 419 10,620
tpm2-tools 52 10,620
VLC 369 10,560
RUSTLS 109 9,234
multipath-tools for Linux 25 9,216
Watchman (Meta) 154 8,802
qBittorrent 129 8,721
OSTree 121 8,667
Dovecot 54 7,989
Handbrake 57 7,587
Password Safe 58 7,380
htop 74 7,332
LibRaw 10 6,648
Catch2 91 6,534
ripgrep 55 6,099
FreeType 65 5,727
lighttpd 22 5,568
Opus 48 4,506
subfinder 39 4,410
Open Babel 81 3,354
Tor 132 2,778

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