
Florian Weimer

Score (Rank)
1,950,519 #26,174
Has contributed to
Open-Source Project Rank Score
GNU Compiler Collection 154 1,304,429
Ceph 464 45,276
CMake 236 44,328
systemd 379 41,734
GHC 226 34,310
JDK 726 30,304
Samba 192 29,898
setuptools 145 29,403
X Server 171 23,058
OSGeo 251 22,242
Emacs 519 21,768
OCaml 178 20,730
Linux 12,959 19,090
FreeRADIUS 85 18,012
Network UPS Tools 67 17,472
MapServer 100 16,134
Git 733 14,532
ZSH 55 14,280
Perl 393 14,020
HTCondor 151 12,468
ZeroMQ 122 11,736
LLVM 4,323 11,457
Go 836 11,187
CircuitPython 561 10,935
Gimp 422 10,635
pygit2 51 10,614
MariaDB 954 9,999
MicroPython 234 9,960
Redis 205 9,636
PostGIS 86 8,850
SWIG 165 8,346
BOINC 131 7,923
Firebird 71 7,881
Dovecot 51 7,734
Calligra Suite 389 7,374
Seahorse 214 5,805
Mutt 28 5,754
PHP 1,676 3,798
SciPy 1,122 3,682
GraalVM 316 3,671
Ardour 216 3,190
Evince 534 2,940
RPM 203 2,655
HTTrack 3 1,269

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