
Kévin Dunglas

Score (Rank)
2,594,973 #20,778
Has contributed to
Open-Source Project Rank Score
Symfony PHP Framework 19 1,559,844
Caddy 6 357,625
PHP 247 291,291
Go 240 81,048
Laravel Core Framework 347 46,709
Next.js 241 43,920
NvChad 41 21,699
Remix 110 19,368
MDN Web Docs 1,639 17,790
Doctrine DBAL 118 15,678
GoReleaser 111 14,935
Apache Pulsar 295 13,284
PHPUnit 158 11,044
Composer 257 11,004
browser-compat-data 277 10,851
Nomad 306 10,314
PrestaShop 516 10,218
Hoppscotch 97 8,475
Packer 365 8,469
Cert Manager 254 6,214
Hotwire 232 5,340
OpenTelemetry (OTEL) 2,802 3,799
Laminas 170 3,744
Jooma! CMS 613 3,090
Awesome Go 1,020 3,069
Go Lang Lint 224 2,577
Gatsby 1,688 2,552
Create React App 67 2,244
Varnish 73 2,226
Laravel 332 2,223
Redux 374 2,134
Behat 93 683
Brigade 56 539
hub 93 487
Zend 628 486

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