OSS Project


A binary instruction format for a stack-based virtual machine

Decreased by 54
2015-04-29 3,531 days ago
Compilation Target
Open Core Products
Open Core Company Product
Fermyon Fermyon
Suborbital Suborbital
GitHub Stars
36,000 #274
Stackoverflow Questions with tag webassembly
4,058 #294
Weekly commits since inception
2015 2019 2024
Weekly contributors since inception
2015 2019 2024
Recent Project Activity
Day Span Commits Contributors
30 67 #650 15 #478
90 302 #552 41 #365
365 1,263 #614 127 #312
1095 3,634 #722 285 #363
All time 14,741 603
Contributing Individuals
Commits past X days
Contributor 30 90 All
423 hubert-reinterpretcast 0 0 1
423 Kel 0 0 1
423 H-Plus-Time 0 0 1
423 Hyukwoo Park 0 0 1
423 Jeremy Day 0 0 1
423 James Swineson 0 0 1
423 Jason Decastro 0 0 1
423 Juan Mellado 0 0 1
423 Jeremy Ruten 0 0 1
423 Jonathan Foote 0 0 1
423 Jonathan Tien 0 0 1
423 Juha Lindfors 0 0 1
423 katie.martin 0 0 1
423 osen 0 0 1
423 Lars T Hansen 0 0 1
423 lkarthee 0 0 1
423 buddhabrot 0 0 1
423 Marco Trivellato 0 0 1
423 Mark A. Ropper 0 0 1
423 Martin Desharnais 0 0 1
Contributing Companies

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