

Mozilla makes browsers, apps, code and tools that put people before profit

Private / Non-Profit
Open Core Products
Name Projects
Mozilla Firefox Gecko
Project Contributions
Percentage of commits past X days
Project Contributions 30 90 All
Thunderbird 100% 100% 27%
Wasmtime 21% 33% 13%
WebRender 11% 4% 3%
Gecko 6% 5% 4%
Servo 0% 0% 6%
SeaMonkey 0% 0% 7%
PouchDB 0% 0% 28%
Waterfox 0% 0% 6%
Cargo 0% 0% 13%
Mozilla Thunderbird 0% 0% 0%
spin 0% 6% 1%
Pinboard Ruby Gem 0% 0% 26%
PDF.js 0% 0% 14%
OSS-Fuzz 2% 1% 0%
Tokio 0% 0% 9%
Three.js 0% 0% 2%
HTML Standard 0% 0% 0%
WebAssembly 0% 1% 1%
YAML Spec 0% 0% 1%
redis-rb 0% 0% 3%
Rust 1% 0% 2%
Crab 0% 0% 3%