

HashiCorp is a software company that provides modular DevOps infrastructure provisioning and management products

Open Core Products
Name Projects
Hashicorp Cloud Platform Vault, Terraform, Consul, Packer
Consul Consul
HashiCorp Nomad Enterprise Nomad
Open Source Contributors
Rank Name
738 Mitchell Hashimoto 41,594,026
1628 James Bardin 25,370,161
2339 Jeff Mitchell 19,951,572
3248 Tim Gross 15,522,710
3283 Alex Dadgar 15,385,060
3303 Martin Atkins 15,310,746
4365 Chris Roberts 12,352,585
5838 Michael Schurter 9,808,945
6856 Seth Hoenig 8,537,479
8000 James Rasell 7,440,912
9099 Michael Lange 6,588,811
9805 Mahmood Ali 6,121,778
12086 Vishal Nayak 4,959,587
14098 Luiz Aoqui 4,237,733
14237 Luke Kysow 4,194,218
14569 Alisdair McDiarmid 4,091,287
16308 Laura Pacilio 3,596,847
17316 Nick Cabatoff 3,356,923
17627 R.B. Boyer 3,292,977
20735 Kyle Havlovitz 2,713,545
Project Contributions
Percentage of commits past X days
Project Contributions 30 90 All
Vagrant 61% 55% 54%
Nomad 36% 45% 55%
Hermes 0% 100% 21%
Terraform 21% 20% 36%
Consul 0% 4% 14%
Boundary 0% 0% 21%
Vault 0% 1% 32%
Packer 0% 0% 17%
Atlantis 0% 0% 43%
Crunchy Container Suite 0% 0% 6%
Unicorn Engine 0% 0% 0%