Github Profile Photo Contributor

John Bampton

Score (Rank)
7,482,363 #7,650
Github Profile Stats
Github Profile Stats
Has contributed to
Open-Source Project Rank Score
Apache Sedona 2 1,773,472
Apache CloudStack 32 1,276,899
One 2 760,811
Apache Whimsy 6 456,912
Apache Airflow 81 438,712
Ruby on Rails 100 412,224
Apache OpenOffice 13 384,940
Gatsby 35 193,952
Apache APISIX 27 191,425
Dash 21 172,760
Lucee 7 137,826
Okteto 25 133,728
cURL 42 128,016
Elixir 52 107,167
DocsGPT 33 104,472
Apache DolphinScheduler 89 93,912
Go 244 77,364
Ruby Spec 79 72,425
Amplication 70 54,684
Tooljet 68 50,745
Homebrew 3,040 40,975
Gin 20 38,930 53 34,132
Ruby 344 33,786
Apache ShenYu 91 31,836
Zypper 75 21,600
Kong 114 20,532
Crystal 137 18,822
Apache Tomcat 64 16,728
Apache Nuttx 522 14,828
Rocket 18 13,548
Visual Studio Code (VSCode) 593 11,166
GraalVM 262 11,022
Webiny 44 10,932
Bitcoin 391 10,644
Hasura GraphQL Engine 150 10,125
Apache Causeway 35 9,728
Apache OpenWhisk 60 8,682
Astronomer 48 8,160
Prometheus 1,551 7,500
Apache Petri 4 6,762
Apache Ozone 194 6,760
Melpa 1,081 6,662
Bitcoin ABC 325 6,352
lakeFS 75 5,992
Elements 278 5,406
Qtum 331 4,692
Jbuilder 20 4,320
Tornado 133 4,198
Grafana Mimir 945 3,741
Camunda 361 3,709
Apache Druid 436 3,522
Doom Emacs 523 3,265
Scrapy 454 3,104
Apache SkyWalking 285 2,794
OpenResty 16 2,616
Starlette 174 2,516
Astro (from Astronomer) 98 2,433
Netlify CMS 248 2,329
GoogleTest 265 2,189
Airflow Guides 49 1,106
LBRY 526 978
Apache MXNet 499 813

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