
Fangrui Song

Score (Rank)
64,411,456 #301
Works for
Google (Alphabet)
Has contributed to
Open-Source Project Rank Score
LLVM 4 63,313,198
Radare2 21 724,680
GNU GDB 297 129,815
FreeBSD 1,205 68,526
Rust 2,279 30,440
ONNX Runtime 285 22,056
Spacemacs 178 20,531
Swift 664 11,340
Ray 572 11,256
helix 586 10,512
Doom Emacs 263 9,795
ImageMagick 53 8,079
Qemu 1,680 7,586
Julia 1,050 7,484
Melpa 1,081 6,664
Python 1,947 3,791
systemd 1,529 3,785
ArduPilot 1,205 3,767
Ruby 770 3,754
Crab 3,620 3,574
GHC 608 3,502
ripgrep 164 2,033
Cinder 733 1,979
Rofi 65 1,941
Memcached 107 1,369

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