
Miguel Piedrafita

Score (Rank)
278,607 #85,819
Has contributed to
Open-Source Project Rank Score
Lenster 19 71,568
Laravel Core Framework 243 61,081
Awesome Selfhosted 31 41,106
Laravel 92 11,115
Ghost 298 10,659
Rainbow Wallet Assets 579 10,425
tailwindcss 157 4,890
Forem 290 4,790
Tensorflow 2,614 3,800
Vue.js 1,142 3,581
Django 1,586 3,428
Kong 265 3,422
Uno 248 3,401
Hasura GraphQL Engine 197 3,369
ohmyzsh 1,080 3,334
Electron 700 3,329
Insomnia 185 3,195
Octobox 36 3,074
Parcel 204 2,719
Gatsby 1,688 2,552
Awesome Python 75 2,378
Cachet 78 2,188
Vagrant 463 2,032
Awesome Lists 169 1,988 86 1,888
Grav 108 1,763
Jekyll 464 1,731
GrumPHP 132 1,708
Guzzle 162 1,672
Axios 235 1,582
Vuepress 117 982
Javascript Style Guide 147 946
Flarum 20 732
Atom 308 700
whoops 69 591
animate.css 35 452
Git for Unity 24 436

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