
Albert Astals Cid

Score (Rank)
11,576,932 #4,560
Has contributed to
Open-Source Project Rank Score
Okular 2 7,733,202
Kate 18 843,304
OSS-Fuzz 18 787,320
Kdenlive 13 723,485
KDE Connect 9 305,213
KIO 15 289,416
Calligra Suite 91 278,505
Falkon 7 255,078
Krita 141 101,792
KOrganizer 33 93,357
Kontact 18 62,931
KMyMoney 22 48,321
CMake 367 22,014
GLib 467 21,486
Linux 19,950 3,808
Matrix 1,291 3,602
Matomo 217 2,717
KBibTeX 20 1,381

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