OSS Project


Allows code in any language to naturally interact with JavaScript classes and is the technology that enables the AWS Cloud Development Kit to deliver polyglot libraries from a single codebase

Decreased by 76
Git Repositories
2017-10-04 2,636 days ago
App Dev
Alternatives to
Retool, Power Apps, AppSheet, Firebase, Azure
GitHub Stars
2,663 #2,263
Weekly commits since inception
2017 2020 2024
Weekly contributors since inception
2017 2020 2024
Recent Project Activity
Day Span Commits Contributors
30 5 #1,978 1 #2,068
90 16 #2,171 6 #1,655
365 61 #2,428 17 #1,706
1095 456 #2,259 67 #1,417
All time 1,766 130
Contributing Individuals
Commits past X days
Contributor 30 90 All
51 Bradley Sherman 0 0 1
51 paulhcsun 0 0 1
51 Anurag Roy 0 0 1
84 Adam 0 0 2
84 Daniel Schroeder 0 0 2
84 Breland Miley 0 0 2
84 Ansgar Mertens 0 0 2
84 Benjamin Maizels 0 0 2
84 Eugene Kozlov 0 0 2
84 Jon Steinich 0 0 2
84 Valine 0 0 2
92 Andrew Wason 0 0 1
92 Andy Slezak 0 0 1
92 Sebastian Korfmann 0 0 1
92 The Gitter Badger 0 0 1
92 Tobias Lidskog 0 0 1
92 aniljava 0 0 1
92 lzhoucs 0 0 1
92 Eduardo Rabelo 0 0 1
92 Christopher Currie 0 0 1
Contributing Companies

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