OSS Project


A client-only tool to create developer environments based on a devcontainer.json on any backend

Increased by 228
Git Repositories
2023-01-24 698 days ago
GitHub Stars
9,721 #1,239
Weekly commits since inception
2023 2023 2024
Weekly contributors since inception
2023 2023 2024
Recent Project Activity
Day Span Commits Contributors
30 62 #722 11 #666
90 149 #950 17 #859
365 606 #1,052 41 #988
1095 2,114 #1,076 90 #1,149
All time 2,114 90
Contributing Individuals
Commits past X days
Contributor 30 90 All
42 Amith Mohanan 0 0 1
42 loft-bot 0 0 1
42 Bryan Kneis 0 0 1
42 JochenMan 0 0 1
42 Piotr Zaniewski 0 0 1
66 Johan Siebens 0 0 1
66 Alan Clucas 0 0 1
66 Alex Eftimie 0 0 1
66 Angus Lees 0 0 1
66 Bruno Bigras 0 0 1
66 Ikko Ashimine 0 0 1
66 Rohan CJ 0 0 1
66 AJ Foster 0 0 1
66 Fahrzin Hemmati 0 0 1
66 Rich Burroughs 0 0 1
66 arpitpandey0209 0 0 1
66 Jacob Millward 0 0 1
66 Loft Release Bot 0 0 1
66 Joyce Babu 0 0 1
66 Jeremy Watkins 0 0 1
Contributing Companies

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