OSS Project

Postgres Operator

Creates and manages PostgreSQL clusters running in Kubernetes

Decreased by 3
Git Repositories
2017-01-09 2,887 days ago
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GitHub Stars
2 #3,775
Weekly commits since inception
2017 2020 2024
Weekly contributors since inception
2017 2020 2024
Recent Project Activity
Day Span Commits Contributors
30 0 #2,581 0 #2,581
90 0 #2,990 0 #2,990
365 0 #3,417 0 #3,417
1095 140 #2,994 43 #1,830
All time 1,225 148
Contributing Individuals
Commits past X days
Contributor 30 90 All
79 Alex Stockinger 0 0 1
79 Jeff Zvier 0 0 1
79 Boyan Bonev 0 0 1
79 Ask Bjørn Hansen 0 0 1
79 Jakub Warczarek 0 0 1
79 Julian 0 0 1
79 Markus 0 0 1
79 Markus Heinemann 0 0 1
79 Martin Linkhorst 0 0 1
79 Olle Larsson 0 0 1
79 Remo Wenger 0 0 1
79 Thierry Sallé 0 0 1
79 Sonay Sevik 0 0 1
79 Steffen Pøhner Henriksen 0 0 1
79 Thomas Runyon 0 0 1
79 Toon Sevrin 0 0 1
79 Wikiwix 0 0 1
79 Youssef El Houti 0 0 1
79 Lukas Voetmand 0 0 1
79 Luc Ritchie 0 0 1
Contributing Companies

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