

The real-time analytics platform trusted in production, at scale, from the original creators of Apache Pinot™

Venture / Series B
Open Core Products
Name Projects
StarTree Cloud Apache Pinot
Open Source Contributors
Rank Name
4854 Xiaotian Jiang 11,014,514
7525 Xiang Fu 7,589,716
11880 Rong Rong 4,896,182
20253 Neha Pawar 2,682,309
20689 Almog Gavra 2,611,734
22971 Xiaobing 2,285,703
25826 Alexander Pucher 1,965,635
28518 Kartik Khare 1,730,419
29346 Mayank Shrivastava 1,662,962
88891 Yash Mayya 260,925
Project Contributions
Percentage of commits past X days
Project Contributions 30 90 All
Apache Pinot 36% 36% 38%
ksqlDB 0% 0% 6%
Presto 0% 0% 0%