
Temporal is a workflow engine that able to coordinate microservices and can be developed by writing code and we can use its parts over and over again with a modular architecture

Venture / Series B
Open Core Products
Name Projects
Temporal Cloud Temporal
Open Source Contributors
Rank Name
7340 Alex Tideman 8,088,440
10054 Spencer Judge 6,014,960
10696 Yichao Yang 5,637,624
14165 Cully Wakelin 4,244,096
14475 Ruslan 4,144,634
18698 Steve Kinney 3,086,143
20154 Dmitry Spikhalskiy 2,829,749
20593 Roey Berman 2,757,638
29541 Yichao Yang 1,725,386
Project Contributions
Percentage of commits past X days
Project Contributions 30 90 All
Temporal 8% 6% 21%
Cadence 0% 0% 8%