

Airbyte is the leading open-source ELT platform that replicates data from applications, APIs & databases to data warehouses, data lakes, and other destinations

Venture / Series B
Open Core Products
Name Projects
Airbyte Airbyte
Open Source Contributors
Rank Name
3979 Augustin Lafanechère 13,140,968
9865 Ella Rohm-Ensing 5,974,954
12272 Marcos Marx 4,790,717
12424 Alexandre Girard 4,731,198
12961 Sherif A. Nada 4,528,914
13854 Brian Leonard 4,210,513
14155 Charles Giardina 4,116,422
14291 Jared Rhizor 4,075,648
15238 Davin Chia 3,802,190
15277 Tim Roes 3,790,268
Project Contributions
Percentage of commits past X days
Project Contributions 30 90 All
Airbyte 30% 23% 32%
Grouparoo 0% 0% 62%
Rasa 0% 0% 4%