
David Celis

Score (Rank)
143,497 #122,446
Has contributed to
Open-Source Project Rank Score
Ruby on Rails 664 36,600
Discourse 227 28,624
GitHub Desktop 114 19,831
Hanami 125 9,484
Homebrew 9,983 7,468
Terraform 756 7,102
Octobox 28 5,148
Octokit 156 3,880
fish shell 583 3,411
Mastodon 510 3,379
Awesome Go 1,044 3,372
Redis 435 3,170
Jekyll 471 2,667
pyenv 226 2,557
GraphiQL 174 2,389
Forem 369 2,230
rbenv 52 1,155
pgcli 107 1,054

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