
Thomas Grainger

Score (Rank)
2,534,115 #21,182
Has contributed to
Open-Source Project Rank Score
Python 129 511,785
Pylint 22 411,012
Dask 18 305,694
pytest 20 256,200
Celery 14 104,488
aiohttp 20 77,952
Bokeh 53 76,707
Tornado 8 75,564
setuptools 83 60,021
Uvicorn 8 56,322
Django 199 47,992
Pandas 291 44,412
Requests 13 37,114
Starlette 22 30,192
Dash 72 29,652
Black 37 25,330
Sphinx 155 23,261
FastAPI 102 23,128
Selenium 155 23,009
Apache Arrow 507 22,452
NumPy 401 22,224
Ruff 214 21,288
CyberChef 44 16,173
Quart 4 15,418
SQLAlchemy 161 15,230
TorchVision 168 11,972
Salt Project 1,156 11,676
pip 498 10,314
Boto 196 9,644
Sanic 80 9,395
HTTPX 54 9,070
Babel 225 8,799
Django REST Framework 241 7,812
SciPy 965 7,344 51 7,311
Metasploit 931 7,170
pydantic 419 6,966
ESLint 383 6,298
WeasyPrint 56 6,039
Cinder 428 5,937
Read The Docs 296 5,902
Javascript Style Guide 26 4,730
Mocha 128 4,492
OpenStack 2,473 3,773
Sentry 515 3,771
Watchdog 27 3,744
Angular 1,102 3,572
Bitcoin 648 3,562
Moby Project 1,093 3,468
Relay 541 3,466
Bitcoin ABC 436 3,176
Google Fonts Files 82 2,894
LightGBM 164 2,889
Gunicorn 99 2,848
flake8 55 2,552
Etherpad 185 2,327
core-js 64 2,217
Vagrant 463 2,032
Git LFS 160 1,994
Selectize 24 1,878
Elements 481 1,802
ipyparallel 31 1,650
Qtum 566 1,564
Dash (digital currency) 293 1,468
Hypercorn 45 1,280
LBRY 526 978
Grunt 31 823
Ravencoin 319 731
Bower 104 391

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