
Thomas Broadley

Score (Rank)
220,890 #97,652
Has contributed to
Open-Source Project Rank Score
Gradle Build Tool 123 111,540
React 280 14,248
Raspberry Pi 356 6,696
Redux 256 5,174
RxDB 153 4,926
styled components 165 4,346
HHVM 1,817 3,803
Common Voice 943 3,746
Envoy 930 3,732
Administrate 97 3,634
AWS CDK/CLI 1,729 3,618
Firebase 711 3,581
k6 367 3,550
ESLint 489 3,272
Flow 392 3,208
Joplin 367 3,132
Puppeteer 214 3,132
Cypress 290 3,041
Docusaurus 710 2,930
Actix 406 2,899
GitHub Desktop 285 2,768
Prettier 321 2,767
Shields 263 2,672
osquery 249 2,427
Stack 240 2,186
qutebrowser 335 2,161
date-fns 156 2,112
30 seconds of code 213 2,094
Mocha 199 1,966
Moment.js 402 1,918
Javascript Style Guide 146 885
React-Vis 59 833
React DnD 50 533
Buffalo 77 521
Showdown 42 479
patch-package 28 360

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