Github Profile Photo Contributor

Rui Chen

Score (Rank)
714,426,461 #7
Works for
Github Profile Stats
Github Profile Stats
Has contributed to
Open-Source Project Rank Score
Homebrew 1 710,718,825
Atlantis 2 2,910,483
Glances 14 104,052
Infracost 14 93,758
Cloud Native Landscape 41 47,625
Checkov 155 42,840
gRPC 323 37,510
RUSTLS 55 30,780
Hurl 24 25,155
Calico 223 24,801
Nuclei 409 22,584
httpx 22 19,431
ktfmt 15 17,290
Just 32 16,818
Gitleaks 22 16,578
Linkerd 62 16,428
Lazygit 149 15,820
Yosys 99 14,838
subfinder 21 13,230
Apollo Server 99 12,575
PyTorch 2,136 11,412
Tensorflow 1,845 11,400
Deno 331 10,896
Vespa 102 10,581
Apache Druid 272 10,566
Open Policy Agent (OPA) 320 10,263
Argo Workflows 271 10,077
Anchore 141 9,573
dnsx 8 9,372
Cloud Custodian 206 9,123
OpenFeature 104 8,847
Graphene 142 7,158
naabu 11 6,924
LocalStack 232 6,884
Linguist 231 6,615
Colima 26 6,486
kOps 468 6,284
K3s 161 5,748
Buzz 10 5,238
Newsboat 135 4,818
Hexo 48 4,659
DevSpace 48 4,614
Bazel 748 3,677
containerd 483 3,407
Dolt 124 3,291
TOML 11 3,270
Benthos 249 3,099
QuestDB 136 3,068
GoReleaser 252 2,987
Syncthing 314 2,926
Dapr 242 2,853
Fastlane 755 2,779
Poetry 416 2,757
pREST 43 2,662
Helm 437 2,532
Terragrunt 190 2,510
pgweb 27 1,762
Clair 62 1,597
Newman 66 834
RethinkDB 120 637
Vegeta 35 518
Gitless 9 336

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