
Roman Reiss

Score (Rank)
1,053,197 #40,010
Has contributed to
Open-Source Project Rank Score
Node 85 362,198
GraalJS 107 353,635
MDN Web Docs 209 88,950
bun 97 54,960
Jest 131 28,692
Vector 128 20,424
Woodpecker 114 19,998
Go Lang Lint 55 15,462
Fabric.js 38 12,924
ESLint 211 12,596
AWS CDK/CLI 924 10,791
Swagger 488 10,476
Mermaid 321 10,440
undici 156 8,961
Gecko 5,530 7,446
CodeMirror 168 7,251
ioredis 8 6,597
browser-compat-data 529 3,617
Ansible 2,755 3,433
Fluent Bit 315 3,327
Certbot 235 1,868
Snowpack 44 1,845
Gogs 216 1,661
macOS Security and Privacy Guide 45 1,478
Haraka 106 1,447
jQuery 134 1,410
UglifyJS 43 1,310

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