
Paul O'Shannessy

Score (Rank)
112,508 #137,975
Has contributed to
Open-Source Project Rank Score
React Native 1,486 7,560
Relay 489 6,962
FBT 78 4,098
HHVM 1,804 3,801
Sapling 761 3,769
Folly 1,046 3,655
Facebook Thrift 1,052 3,638
Litho 477 3,586
FBGEMM 296 3,511
Pyre 188 3,375
RocksDB 606 3,306
Flow 392 3,202
Fizz 239 3,196
Fresco 259 3,187
Hack Standard Library 63 3,172
Proxygen 391 3,124
Watchman (Meta) 262 3,080
fb303 244 3,063
Hermes 211 3,063
ReDex 197 3,056
Ax 125 3,026
Flipper 323 3,019
Metro 253 2,906
OpenR 230 2,840
BoTorch 110 2,809
Katran 166 2,580
Flashlight 43 2,212
Yoga 163 2,071
idb 115 2,070
IGListKit 99 1,977
SoLoader 60 1,946
ReAgent 101 1,377
Screenshot Tests for Android 43 1,357
Glow 245 1,320
Fairseq 215 1,210
SPARTA 31 1,156
Warp speed Data Transfer (WDT) 41 996
Recoil 88 772
fastText 28 557
FBNet Command Runner (FCR) 23 556
ComponentKit 96 347

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