
Miloslav Trmac

Score (Rank)
4,909,129 #11,838
Has contributed to
Open-Source Project Rank Score
Podman 11 2,060,918
cri-o 6 1,997,115
GTK 250 155,316
NetworkManager 41 111,333
Sigstore 81 84,912
Evince 62 80,224
Gimp 208 74,067
Rhythmbox 51 68,926
Seahorse 43 51,740
Linux 8,358 45,696
GLib 332 35,810
Gnumeric 64 34,800
OpenShift 1,861 30,448
GNOME Terminal 108 26,468
Notary 16 19,503
gThumb 60 14,190
Boulder 63 7,002
Moby Project 757 6,936
Homebrew 12,645 3,725

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