OSS Project


A Java library that can be used to convert Java Objects into their JSON representation

Increased by 4
Git Repositories
2011-07-31 4,891 days ago
Java Library
GitHub Stars
25,766 #448
Weekly commits since inception
2011 2017 2024
Weekly contributors since inception
2011 2017 2024
Recent Project Activity
Day Span Commits Contributors
30 0 #2,592 0 #2,592
90 0 #2,992 0 #2,992
365 0 #3,412 0 #3,412
1095 44 #3,376 5 #3,298
All time 3,973 207
Contributing Individuals
Commits past X days
Contributor 30 90 All
101 Yorkson 0 0 1
101 胡龙 0 0 1
101 laugh 0 0 1
101 anirudhdmenon 0 0 1
101 Studiedlist 0 0 1
101 yangyu 0 0 1
101 hexiaobing5880 0 0 1
101 eden-yuan 0 0 1
101 water 0 0 1
101 a.pomosov 0 0 1
101 buer 0 0 1
101 Helly Guo 0 0 1
101 Charkey 0 0 1
101 clark 0 0 1
101 yixian 0 0 1
101 deqing.ldq 0 0 1
101 kingom0426 0 0 1
101 Felix Bergmann 0 0 1
101 fanzhongwei 0 0 1
101 gaecfov 0 0 1

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