OSS Project


A library for efficient similarity search and clustering of dense vectors

Increased by 23
Git Repositories
2017-02-22 2,861 days ago
C/C++ Library
GitHub Stars
31,931 #333
Weekly commits since inception
2017 2020 2024
Weekly contributors since inception
2017 2020 2024
Recent Project Activity
Day Span Commits Contributors
30 36 #1,030 13 #561
90 98 #1,216 28 #522
365 410 #1,319 67 #624
1095 761 #1,914 128 #853
All time 1,341 208
Contributing Individuals
Commits past X days
Contributor 30 90 All
143 cyy 0 0 1
143 glutamatt 0 0 1
143 redwrasse 0 0 1
143 박상준 0 0 1
143 alexandresablayrolles 0 0 1
143 Laurent Chauvin 0 0 1
143 Sergey 0 0 1
143 Marcin Tolysz 0 0 1
143 Bruno Guberfain do Amaral 0 0 1
143 Matthew Gruenke 0 0 1
143 egolearner 0 0 1
143 Andrew Aksyonoff 0 0 1
143 Lowik Chanussot 0 0 1
143 Yurij Mikhalevich 0 0 1
143 kfoldcrossvalidator 0 0 1
143 Hap-Hugh 0 0 1
143 Arun-George-Zachariah 0 0 1
143 Andrei Ruslantsev 0 0 1
143 Scaled Dragon 0 0 1
143 adream307 0 0 1
Contributing Companies

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