OSS Project

Apache PLC4X

The universal protocol adapter for Industrial IoT

Increased by 144
Git Repositories
2017-10-16 2,607 days ago
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GitHub Stars
1,326 #2,677
Weekly commits since inception
2017 2020 2024
Weekly contributors since inception
2017 2020 2024
Recent Project Activity
Day Span Commits Contributors
30 48 #895 7 #1,001
90 172 #867 9 #1,379
365 708 #950 19 #1,616
1095 3,198 #800 51 #1,654
All time 7,974 107
Contributing Individuals
Commits past X days
Contributor 30 90 All
56 Tim 0 0 1
56 Niklas Merz 0 0 3
56 Dustone-JavaWeb 0 0 1
56 Darren Everley 0 0 1
56 TorstenU 0 0 1
56 alessandromnc94 0 0 1
56 amrod 0 0 3
56 Andreas Oswald 0 0 3
56 iñigo 0 0 1
56 Mathi 0 0 3
56 Marc Aurel Fritz 0 0 1
56 modraedlau 0 0 1
56 PatrykGala 0 0 1
56 kubo44 0 0 1
56 Henry 0 0 1
56 tvormweg 0 0 1
56 Dmitrii Mukhin 0 0 1
56 PatrykGala 0 0 1
79 Niclas Hedhman 0 0 2
79 Thomas Darimont 0 0 2

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