OSS Project


A free and open-source software suite for high-performance molecular dynamics and output analysis

Decreased by 334
Git Repositories
1997-11-03 9,908 days ago
GitHub Stars
720 #2,996
Weekly commits since inception
1997 2010 2024
Weekly contributors since inception
1997 2010 2024
Recent Project Activity
Day Span Commits Contributors
30 20 #1,380 4 #1,385
90 239 #689 28 #523
365 724 #927 45 #898
1095 2,253 #1,029 71 #1,360
All time 22,991 177
Contributing Individuals
Commits past X days
Contributor 30 90 All
80 teemu 0 0 10
80 Shubham Meshram 0 1 1
80 Chris Saunders 0 1 1
80 Nicola Piasentin 0 1 1
85 Christoph Junghans 0 0 5
85 Benjamin Eltzner 0 0 3
85 Gerrit Code Review 0 0 9
85 Andrea Pasquadibisceglie 0 0 3
89 Christian Wennberg 0 0 8
89 Gerrit Groenhof 0 0 8
91 erikm 0 0 7
92 Aurelien Jarno 0 0 1
92 Mehdi Chinoune 0 0 1
92 Jeff Hammond 0 0 6
92 degroot 0 0 6
92 Philip Turner 0 0 2
92 Bálint Soproni 0 0 2
92 Boris Timofeev 0 0 1
92 wuruilong 0 0 1
92 CxhMyself 0 0 1
Contributing Companies

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