OSS Project

Public APIs

A collective list of free APIs for use in software and web development

Decreased by 143
Git Repositories
2016-03-20 3,105 days ago
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GitHub Stars
312,366 #4
Weekly commits since inception
2016 2020 2024
Weekly contributors since inception
2016 2020 2024
Recent Project Activity
Day Span Commits Contributors
30 0 #2,643 0 #2,643
90 2 #2,801 1 #2,638
365 6 #3,199 2 #3,046
1095 1,304 #1,485 405 #246
All time 4,530 1,343
Contributing Individuals
Commits past X days
Contributor 30 90 All
33 Maicon Cerutti 0 0 4
33 Vashishth Patel 0 0 4
33 LordGhostX 0 0 4
33 GreenTurtwig 0 0 4
33 Adam Hägglund 0 0 4
33 errazudin ishak 0 0 4
47 Fernando Montoya 0 0 11
47 Karl Hughes 0 0 11
47 Hardik Pithva 0 0 11
50 Leah Tabush 0 0 3
50 HenryBass 0 0 3
50 Harsh Ghodkar 0 0 3
50 David Davó 0 0 3
50 Christian Bilevits 0 0 3
50 Cataldi, Anton 0 0 3
50 Ankur H. Singh 0 0 3
50 Fawaz Ahmed 0 0 9
50 Hiroyuki 0 0 3
50 Guilherme 0 0 3
50 Abdul Awali 0 0 9
Contributing Companies

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