OSS Project


CLI & version control for ELT without limitations

Increased by 74
Git Repositories
meltano, hub, sdk
2018-04-27 2,347 days ago
Batch Processing
Alternatives to
Open Core Products
Open Core Company Product
Meltano Meltano
GitHub Stars
1,928 #2,444
Stackoverflow Questions with tag meltano
23 #1,180
Weekly commits since inception
2018 2021 2024
Weekly contributors since inception
2018 2021 2024
Recent Project Activity
Day Span Commits Contributors
30 72 #690 10 #759
90 210 #754 22 #696
365 636 #1,042 54 #793
1095 3,768 #712 189 #567
All time 14,236 259
Contributing Individuals
Commits past X days
Contributor 30 90 All
217 AsocPro 0 0 2
217 Brendan O'Leary 0 0 2
217 Claudia Petren 0 0 2
217 Clement Ho 0 0 2
217 Dean Morin 0 0 2
217 Keanon O'Keefe 0 0 2
217 Markus Koller 0 0 2
217 Zachary Wynegar 0 0 2
217 Stephen Bailey 0 0 2
230 Eric Eastwood 0 0 1
230 Eric Simmerman 0 0 1
230 BenjMaq 0 0 1
230 André Liebigt 0 0 1
230 Arik Fraimovich 0 0 1
230 Ingo Klose 0 0 1
230 Kevin Nguyen 0 0 1
230 Mason Hensley 0 0 1
230 Meat Technology 0 0 1
230 Michel Radosavljevic 0 0 1
230 Musfiqur Rahman 0 0 1
Contributing Companies

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