OSS Project


A lightweight and powerful datetime picker

Decreased by 8
Git Repositories
2012-12-12 4,392 days ago
GitHub Stars
16,209 #767
Weekly commits since inception
2012 2018 2024
Weekly contributors since inception
2012 2018 2024
Recent Project Activity
Day Span Commits Contributors
30 0 #2,599 0 #2,599
90 0 #2,998 0 #2,998
365 0 #3,412 0 #3,412
1095 72 #3,237 14 #2,801
All time 2,860 264
Contributing Individuals
Commits past X days
Contributor 30 90 All
70 jemmy zheng 0 0 1
70 jonssonth 0 0 1
70 lucasl2f 0 0 1
70 m.woess 0 0 1
70 morgunkorn 0 0 1
70 mscdex 0 0 1
70 munkhbolde 0 0 1
70 naoh 0 0 1
70 rbr.am 0 0 1
70 romellem 0 0 1
70 sahal.saad 0 0 1
70 skatt 0 0 1
70 skoto 0 0 1
70 stespot 0 0 1
70 sveinnthorhalls 0 0 1
70 tmbeihl 0 0 1
70 tomhorvat 0 0 1
70 tomoya ishida 0 0 1
70 toniavanza 0 0 1
70 waaghals 0 0 1
Contributing Companies

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