OSS Project

Awesome open-source alternatives to SaaS

Awesome list of open-source startup alternatives to well-known SaaS products

Decreased by 162
Git Repositories
2021-11-15 1,133 days ago
Awesome List
GitHub Stars
16,992 #734
Weekly commits since inception
2021 2022 2024
Weekly contributors since inception
2021 2022 2024
Recent Project Activity
Day Span Commits Contributors
30 0 #2,588 0 #2,588
90 0 #2,996 0 #2,996
365 10 #3,053 8 #2,301
1095 355 #2,447 114 #932
All time 379 114
Contributing Individuals
Commits past X days
Contributor 30 90 All
35 rustdesk 0 0 1
35 Jeremy Dorn 0 0 1
35 Samuel Stroschein 0 0 1
35 Kushan Joshi 0 0 1
35 Andrii R 0 0 1
35 Alex Olivier 0 0 1
35 Russ d'Sa 0 0 1
35 HoxtonVentures 0 0 1
35 Maxim Kraynyuchenko 0 0 1
35 Bogdan Semenov 0 0 1
35 Manzi Asifiwe 0 0 1
35 hofq 0 0 1
35 Alexey Polunin 0 0 1
35 Vincent Hoogsteder 0 0 1
35 Archie 0 0 1
35 Misha Bragin 0 0 1
35 Bob van Luijt 0 0 1
35 Richard Chu 0 0 1
35 Daniel Aguado 0 0 1
35 Laurent Destailleur 0 0 1
Contributing Companies

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