

ugabyteDB is a transactional database that brings together four must-have needs of cloud native apps - namely SQL as a flexible query language, low-latency performance, continuous availability, and globally-distributed scalability

Venture / Series C
Open Core Products
Name Projects
YugabyteDB Managed YugabyteDB
Open Source Contributors
Rank Name
5703 Sergei Politov 9,961,350
6052 Hari Krishna Sunder 9,479,043
6678 Aishwarya Chakravarthy 8,690,808
9081 Rajagopalan Madhavan 6,585,768
9977 Shubham Varshney 6,018,159
10328 Naorem Khogendro Singh 5,807,655
11482 Karthik Kannan 5,213,733
11831 Vipul Bansal 5,037,060
12043 Aleksandr Malyshev 4,954,362
12907 Valentin Kulichenko 4,621,024
13822 Mikhail Bautin 4,307,814
18622 Dmitry Uspenskiy 3,071,103
22697 Liza Rekadze 2,417,037
24275 Alex Ball 2,214,051
24341 Dorian Hoxha 2,204,553
62126 Burak Velioglu 528,745
Project Contributions
Percentage of commits past X days
Project Contributions 30 90 All
YugabyteDB 23% 23% 25%
DocumentDB 5% 1% 0%
flask-smorest 0% 0% 0%
Apache Ignite 0% 0% 5%
Citus 0% 0% 3%
pgmq 0% 0% 1%
pg_cron 0% 0% 0%
postgresql-hll 0% 0% 2%