
Carol (Nichols || Goulding)

Score (Rank)
6,714,999 #8,633
Has contributed to
Open-Source Project Rank Score
InfluxDB 5 5,523,744
Rust 323 566,945
Cargo 31 267,652
Crab 327 159,043
Apache Arrow 191 101,034
mdBook 18 31,014
Ruby enVironment Manager (RVM) 40 18,414
Apache Arrow DataFusion 412 11,082
Ruby on Rails 1,598 10,848
Phoenix Framework 863 6,668
Ruby Spec 340 5,794
Capybara 64 4,416
Homebrew 12,645 3,725
npm 328 2,889
Jekyll 464 1,731

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