Github Profile Photo Contributor

Chris Bandy

Score (Rank)
2,726,091 #19,996
Works for
Crunchy Data
Github Profile Stats
Github Profile Stats
Has contributed to
Open-Source Project Rank Score
PGO 2 2,420,900
Kubernetes 413 158,970
Kyverno 179 20,766
Patroni 27 19,692
Kubectl 73 18,036
OpenTelemetry (OTEL) 1,718 15,196
pgweb 2 11,453
Homebrew 7,108 11,175
Chef Infra 324 10,012
Ruby on Rails 2,299 7,200
RabbitMQ 217 6,636
pgBackRest 24 6,291
PostGraphile 64 5,698
Crunchy Container Suite 24 3,861
PHP Code Coverage 36 3,356
PHPUnit 364 2,761
Go Lang Lint 224 2,577
Jasmine 200 1,511

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