
Jon Crall

Score (Rank)
462,647 #65,001
Works for
Has contributed to
Open-Source Project Rank Score
PyTorch 560 148,356
VIAME 5 114,026
pyenv 29 39,870
DVC 53 23,490
OSGeo 244 22,092
Jellyfin 218 21,342
scikit-learn 756 14,560
ParaView 234 13,360
Apache Airflow 1,158 11,346
PyTorch Lightning 289 9,951
PyTensor 287 9,408
MONAI 116 8,889
VTK 462 7,210
TorchVision 301 5,986
Pandas 1,972 3,701
OpenCV 1,136 3,579
Aesara 258 3,300
functorch 24 2,181

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