
Dingzhong Chen

Score (Rank)
333,808 #78,465
Has contributed to
Open-Source Project Rank Score
PeerTube 51 178,516
Weblate 337 60,496
GTK 709 26,285
Zypper 89 17,045
Kicad 401 11,079
GNOME Terminal 285 6,024
Rhythmbox 300 5,276
Tribler 86 4,672
WebKit 1,716 3,699
GLib 1,008 3,621
Matrix 1,284 3,620
Cheese 141 3,284
NetworkManager 393 3,150
Evince 534 2,933
Geary 189 2,172
Seahorse 328 2,025

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