
Javier Jardón

Score (Rank)
5,397,161 #10,769
Has contributed to
Open-Source Project Rank Score
GTK 15 4,430,204
Apache BuildStream 11 402,480
GLib 55 329,452
GStreamer 256 90,400
Gimp 251 49,378
systemd 803 15,144
NetworkManager 198 15,045
Rhythmbox 182 13,255
Evince 279 12,535
OSTree 121 8,667
Cairo 168 8,540
Seahorse 214 5,970
GNOME Terminal 351 4,072
Cheese 124 3,930
HarfBuzz 190 2,742
X Server 445 2,717
Pitivi 226 1,340
gThumb 206 1,290

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