
Álvaro Mondéjar

Score (Rank)
403,096 #70,349
Has contributed to
Open-Source Project Rank Score
MkDocs 7 131,583
Leptos 20 113,472
Sphinx 155 23,261
Pygments 93 22,311
DefinitelyTyped 2,545 21,078
JSON Schema 24 19,269
Material for MkDocs 56 17,856
Read The Docs 167 14,755
Mega-Linter 70 8,241
Highlight.js 313 4,952
Leaflet 380 4,916
Rapid Editor 183 4,816
Renovate 970 3,654
ESLint 487 3,149
Babel 481 2,933
Shields 261 2,348
Requests 363 1,687
Python Markdown 83 1,119

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