

Score (Rank)
286,256 #85,612
Has contributed to
Open-Source Project Rank Score
Rust 953 122,080
Crab 649 52,701
Cargo 290 23,989
React Native 993 11,334
Ghost 300 10,896
Tokio 279 9,780
Yew 76 8,352
Hyper 120 7,566
Miri 237 7,118
Diesel 248 6,736
Deno 581 3,664
Protobuf (Protocol Buffers) 711 3,534
Radare2 608 3,476
Wire Messenger 186 3,383
RUSTLS 178 3,169
QuickWit 170 3,141
mitmproxy 331 3,096
Tower 120 2,362

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