

Score (Rank)
1,167,297 #37,610
Has contributed to
Open-Source Project Rank Score
Bazel 66 645,366
Chromium 3,730 187,000
Protobuf (Protocol Buffers) 68 155,452
Envoy 221 70,908
LLVM 3,391 26,733
gRPC 670 15,000
React Native 996 11,343
Gecko 4,796 11,199
Litho 313 10,758
Yoga 87 6,201
Waterfox 2,468 5,834
Copybara 57 4,306
Tensorflow 2,632 3,810
V8 799 3,755
GoogleTest 209 3,638
AWS-LC 156 3,171
BoringSSL 124 2,823

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