
Scott Wolchok

Score (Rank)
5,058,452 #11,492
Has contributed to
Open-Source Project Rank Score
PyTorch 30 4,420,248
Folly 106 127,540
FBGEMM 56 100,456
React Native 288 75,400
Hermes 54 63,600
HHVM 614 56,940
Yoga 25 36,176
Litho 176 35,580
Velox 234 22,002
Glow 77 20,995
GraphQL 138 15,225
Kineto 42 13,974
Flipper 135 13,092
Rust 3,489 11,415
Facebook Thrift 652 10,845
Cython 193 9,000
ComponentKit 21 6,084
Crab 2,695 5,361
Sapling 750 3,747
Proxygen 388 3,146
Telegram 299 3,019
MMF 41 2,934
IGListKit 99 1,673

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