
Sabri Ünal

Score (Rank)
3,431,766 #16,523
Has contributed to
Open-Source Project Rank Score
Gimp 24 1,551,880
GTK 113 417,874
Evince 12 363,515
Rhythmbox 18 198,825
GLib 81 196,955
Geary 12 134,890
GNOME Terminal 20 107,908
Gaphor 24 77,436
Pitivi 23 56,280
Seahorse 37 53,622
PipeWire 72 51,315
xdg-desktop-portal 33 45,828
Collabora Online 136 42,552
gThumb 17 41,280
Xfce Terminal 96 19,557
NetworkManager 162 17,994
Remmina 54 15,848
Cheese 38 11,004
LibreOffice 1,157 10,962
Xournalpp 106 6,675
Bleachbit 103 6,348
Inkscape 471 3,218

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