
Ken Powers

Score (Rank)
283,368 #85,688
Has contributed to
Open-Source Project Rank Score
Astro Build 176 79,443
SolidJS 112 50,715
Listmonk 10 41,190
Homebrew 3,461 33,624
Mantine 149 20,046
Lexical 225 10,203
Faker 119 7,851
rust-bert 18 4,884
Gatsby 1,022 4,442
Firebase 711 3,581
React 711 3,563
Remotion 246 3,487
ESLint 489 3,272
Tonic 174 3,050
Slate 336 2,349
Axios 226 2,329
React Router 440 2,210
jsdom 152 1,848
Phusion Passenger 70 1,833
React Static 33 1,320
UglifyJS 43 1,225
Javascript Style Guide 146 885

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