
Ken Geis

Score (Rank)
137,689 #124,385
Has contributed to
Open-Source Project Rank Score
Odoo 1,319 22,836
XGBoost 73 17,754
Apache Flink 584 14,580
scikit-learn 750 14,528
Drools 148 7,959
Apache Camel 731 7,384
Prime Faces 1,033 7,308
Mule Community Edition 147 5,514
Apache Spark 1,632 3,773
Keycloak 1,019 3,725
Gradle Build Tool 597 3,717
Metabase 258 3,653
Great Expectations 314 3,380
Apache Solr 323 3,337
Checkstyle 330 3,315
CAS 224 2,934
Swagger 1,237 2,763
Dependency-Check 202 2,601
Apache Groovy 256 2,583
Grails 273 2,100
Apache Wicket 121 1,965

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